Friday, January 18, 2019


TODAY'S AUTHOR at INDIE BOOK SOURCE Kiersten Hall Author Kiersten Hall has been writing stories all her life… in her head. She is finally taking the time to put those stories down on paper for others to read. Kiersten is planning on publishing one book per year, or at least, that's the goal. Most days, she can be found at 'Command Central' (her beloved desk.) It's 7' x 7' with lots of storage, yet there's only 1 square foot of space (on a good day) available for her to utilize due to all the stacks of 'things to do' when she has the time; which could literally be years from now. Command Central has been an integral part of Kiersten's 'Master Plan' for taking over the world, which is currently going on 20 years. It's seen a lot of work get done, and a lot of stories written. Kiersten is also a firm believer in the fact that 'duct tape fixes everything,' since that is what's helping to hold her desk together, at the moment. When Kiersten is not sitting at Command Central, busy at work, she can sometimes be found jockeying for rations of food in the kitchen with her two teenage sons who live with her in small-town America. She does admit to having a plethora of hiding spaces for edible contraband (candy and other snacks which shouldn't be consumed with a sedentary lifestyle), in the 49 square feet of her beloved desk. However, she also has her suspicions that her kids know where those hiding spots are, and patiently wait until they are sure Kiersten has completely forgotten about the hidden treats, and claim them for their own. . Read more at LINK above. Promotion by Carter Novels:

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